How We Make Money
In the realm of online caregiving resources, transparency is paramount. Which is why we work hard to be your trusted provider of content and resources focused on family caregiver wellness. While advertising and partnerships can influence the presentation of products and services on our website, will continue to uphold the independence of our editorial team. Compensation from businesses does not dictate the research, editorial content, or consumer reviews, ensuring that recommendations and reviews remain unbiased and trustworthy. While our content is free to read, it is not free to produce. Our operating costs are covered at no cost to our readers through:
Affiliate Sales: incorporates affiliate links strategically. Not all outbound links are affiliate links. When users click on affiliate links and make purchases on affiliated sites like, may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. All such transactions are handled by
Amazon Services LLC Associates Program: participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, earning fees by linking to and affiliated sites. also generates a small commission through its Amazon Store when users make purchases. All transactions and payments related to the Amazon Store are handled on Amazon's website.
Advertising:'s revenue also comes from online advertisements, product partnerships, and sponsorships. Clicking on sponsored links or ads, or requesting more information either on or through our email newsletter, may result in our platform earning commissions or other forms of compensation, such as through the Amazon Affiliate program. All such content will be labeled so that you always understand the relationship between New Caregiver and the sponsor or advertiser. You may unsubscribe at any time should you decide you do not want to receive our emails, or content sponsored by our advertisers.