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Body Michelle Miller Body Michelle Miller

The Family Caregiver’s Guide to Somatic Self-Care

It is well documented how the constant demands of caregiving can take a toll on one's well-being, particularly the body — a foundation of our strength and resilience. Several years ago a friend introduced me to somatic practices as I was caring for my aging parents simultaneously. By slowly integrating somatics into my caregiving routines, I learned that I could enhance my body awareness, manage stress more effectively, and improve my overall health and well-being. Small changes in body awareness led me to significant improvements in my overall wellness, enabling me to improve all aspects of my life, not just caring for my aging parents. But what exactly is somatics?

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Body Hope Ann Cross Body Hope Ann Cross

From Caregiving to Self-Care: Healing Trauma One Step at a Time

Because of the lack of care I put into myself, along with the demands of the care I gave, my body became affected. As much as I allowed the wound to be where the light enters, I also had to acknowledge that my body has stored some of the trauma and stress, and I needed to learn how to clear it to regain my full vitality.

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Body Heather Martin Body Heather Martin

Nature's Prescription: Revitalize Your Health While Caring for Others

Embarking on my journey to becoming a permaculturist and transforming our yard into an urban forest garden has opened my eyes to the profound ways in which nature can enhance health and wellness. While exercise and nutrition are two important aspects of a healthy lifestyle, my experience has shown me that spending time outdoors and engaging in gardening activities can greatly amplify their effects. Along the way, I've picked up many fun and easy ways to infuse the outdoors into daily life. As April marks National Garden Month, there's no better time to step outside to start reaping Nature’s rewards.

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Body Michelle Miller Body Michelle Miller

Harmony in Time: Navigating Chronotypes, Aging, and Caregiving

Our sleeping patterns significantly impact our mental and physical health. Understanding our chronotype and circadian rhythm – whether we're early risers (morning larks), late risers (night owls), or somewhere in between – is essential for making the most of our time and energy. As we age, the challenges of obtaining healthy sleep become more pronounced, especially when caregiving while experiencing shifting circadian rhythms.

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Body Michelle Miller Body Michelle Miller

(Mostly) Fast Fitness Fun: Exercise as Self-Care for Busy Family Caregivers

Moderate physical exercise stimulates physiological changes in the body and the brain. If you want to give yourself the best chance of aging well, the guideline is 150 minutes per week - or 20 minutes per day - of moderate aerobic activity. If even that seems daunting, it turns out that even 6-9 minutes per day can be better than nothing. Below are 3 ideas to bring fun physical fitness back into focus.

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Body Michelle Miller Body Michelle Miller

The Silent Struggle: Unveiling 6 Stages of Caregiver Burnout

The family caregiver chooses a path of profound commitment. It can be entwined with love, sacrifice, and relentless dedication or shaped by duty and obligation. Whatever the reason, caregiving often brings an abundance of emotional turbulence, where heartwarming moments alternate with exhaustion, worry, and constant care demands.

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